Tips On Organizing a Weight Loss Competition

How to Organize a Weight Loss Competition

Sometimes it takes a little push to lose weight. By developing a weight loss competition, you can help give others that extra incentive to exercise and eat better. If you organize the competition with teams, it will also serve as a support group. Members will gain additional motivation to lose weight by aiming for the prize. They will also have team members who will encourage healthy eating and exercise. Even the losing teams come out as winners because they will be on the road to healthier living.


    1 Write the guidelines for the contest. Let contestants know how often they are required to weigh-in and how long the competition will last. Determine if you will be calculating weight loss by pounds, inches or body fat percentages.
    2 Gather a group of people who want to lose weight. You can contact friends, family, work associates or community organizations, like churches and community centers, to see who is interested in participating in the weight loss challenge. You can even try sending out a press release and post fliers.
    3 Prepare samples meal plans and exercise routines. The contest is largely about education and teaching these people how to manage their weight. Design meal plans with a dietitian to give to your competition participants. Work with a personal trainer to put together exercise plans. Eating well and exercising are key weight loss factors.
    4 Arrange for weekly weigh-ins for your contestants. Have a scale and location ready for weekly weigh-ins. You need to record the weight loss data throughout the competition. Make sure you choose times and places for weekly weigh-ins that are convenient for participants.
    5 Ask for product donations to offer as prizes for your weight loss competition. You can ask retailers and manufacturers to donate products, trips, services or other items to give away as prizes. Don't be afraid to ask for big prizes. The bigger the prize, the more reason participants will have to lose weight. Larger prizes may also help you gain media attention.
    6 Choose a winning team at the end of the competition. After tallying up all the numbers, announce winners and award prizes according your original guidelines.

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    To organize a weight loss competition, write the standards for the contest and get together a company of people who want to shake off weight. Organize sample meal


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