How to Lose Weight Fast - The Healthy Way

How to Lose Weight Fast - The Healthy Way

Most folks feel that losing weight is a daunting task and they are unsure of the best way to lose weight. If you need to lose weight fast, all you have to do is keep putting one foot in front of the other and dive into the weight loss process. Within a week or two you'll start feeling better and you will lose fat quickly. Here's the quickest way to lose weight fast - the healthy way:


    1 Don't eat products that contain white flour. The most important thing to do first is realize how many products you eat contain white flour. White flour is now your weight loss enemy and you must replace all white flour products with vegetables (preferably green leafy vegetables). Broccoli has protein and many health benefits so you can start with that, but don't forget the hundreds of other green leafy vegetables that are out on the market as well. Doing just this one step is the quickest way to lose weight fast - the healthy way. But wait, there's more!
    2 Stop eating sugar and sugar products. Simple sugars are also your weight loss enemy. Chocolate, candies, cookies, etc are super fun while you're eating them, but they completely sabotage any healthy diet and make you fat quick. Sugar also makes you tired. If you eliminate all simple sugars from your diet, you'll soon be amazed at how much energy and sleep you'll get.
    3 Be sure to eat five small meals a day. This takes some getting used to, but trust me, it's one of the best ways to lose weight. When you replace white flour products with vegetables and stop eating simple sugars, you will want that small healthy meal every 3-4 hours. If you need to lose weight fast, be sure to eat a source of protein at EVERY meal (eggs, meats, nuts, etc) since protein is the one thing that will keep you full until the next meal. If you think of your plate in thirds, one third will be protein, one third vegetables and one third complex carbohydrates (sweet potato, whole grain wild rice, etc). Eat things that look like they just came from the farm or field - the more natural it is, the healthier it is for you and the faster you will lose the weight. If you can afford organic foods, great, but it's not necessary. If you get a sweet tooth, put some blueberries/strawberries/other fruit in yogurt and sprinkle some toasted almonds on top. It will get you through the moment until your next healthy meal.
    4 Drink a lot of water to help speed up your weight loss. You should drink at least 3 tall glasses of water a day. Those sugar drinks, coffees and sodas are going to get you NOWHERE - you will not lose weight fast while consuming those products. They sabotage your healthy diet just like cookies, cakes and candies. Eliminate the sugar drinks and drink water, milk and not from concentrate orange juice instead. V8's are great too if you can stand the salt.
    5 Find an "exercise" you like to do if you need to lose weight fast. "Exercise" is merely a way to get the body moving. So if you hate the thought of "exercise", think of it as moving your body instead. You can still lose weight fast if you watch your favorite TV show, march in place and raise your hands up in the air repeatedly for the duration of the show (and commercials too, no cheating!). Sure, it's really exercise, but by the time your show is over, you'll feel better about yourself, you don't have to mentally endure 60 minutes without entertainment and you'll help yourself lose weight faster. If you prefer to go to a gym and do aerobics or cardiovascular equipment - GREAT! Just keep in mind that you can "move your body" anywhere at anytime and every bit of movement helps with your weight loss. Typically you should "move your body" for 30-60 minutes, 3-5 times a week for best weight loss results.
    6 Don't give up when you go through the sugar and carbohydrate withdrawals. The first week is not easy I must say. You'll constantly be thinking about the white flour products and simple sugars you've given up. If you get to the point where you're going to indulge, put your walking shoes on and go walk around the block for 15 minutes. If it's raining or cold out (there is no excuse!!), turn on the tv and march for 15 minutes. While you are walking or marching, remind yourself that these cravings are the thing that got you where you are now (unhealthy and/or overweight). Also remind yourself that you deserve to be healthy and getting through the moment of 'deprivation' is key to your long-term weight loss success.
    7 Allow your self some type of indulgence once a week. This doesn't mean you can go back and eat that bag of chips or cookies (ie, white flour products) - you definitely will not lose fat quickly that way. What it means is that you can have a healthier snack to keep your weight loss on track. My favorite is yogurt raisins (as an example). Don't eat the whole bag for goodness sakes. I usually have 10-15 in the morning and the same in the evening on my "off day". On this one day during the week, it's very important to indulge on something you like (it's your reward for the week!), but make sure you don't overdo it. If you need a snack with some 'junk food' substance, check out my White Chocolate Macadamia Nut Cookie recipe listed below under "Resources". Try not to have more than 2 or three of those on your day off, then share the rest with your friends. You may want to enlist a friend or family member to keep you accountable on your 'day off' so you lose weight faster.
    8 If all of the above fails because you can't do it on your own, you might want to hire a personal trainer if you need to lose weight fast. It might just be the next best way to lose weight if you find your self-motivation is limited. In this economy the trainers are actively looking for business, so I'm sure you could even find one to come to your house if you absolutely abhor the gym scene. You can sign on for 2-3 times a week if you can afford it, or if you can handle some work on your own at home, hire them for a once a week session. They can also help keep you accountable by phone when you get to the point where you're getting ready to open the bag of whatever white flour/sugar product is in your face. Determination and consistency are crucial to losing weight fast - the healthy way.
    9 Be sure to check out the Resource links below for more information on exercising and staying healthy.

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