Losing Weight Gain Muscle
To lose weight gain muscle you need to be committed to the task at hand. Especially, if you have 50 pounds or more to lose. In order to see muscle the fat has to go. The muscle is there, however, it's covered by fat. As you start to lose weight you will begin to see and feel muscles that you haven't seen or felt in years. As long as you workout as you lose you will be toned, if not, you will be flabby.
- 1 There are a couple of different ways to lose weight and gain muscle. First off, you need to decide how much muscle you want to gain. If you plan on body building then that's a totally different dynamic than someone who wants to lose and just be toned. In other words, what is the goal? How do you see yourself after the fat is lost?
You need to get a picture in your mind of how you want to look. We're talking about the finished product.
2 Once you know the goal then you can create a program. Let's say you've decided to body build; you want mass. If you know anything about weight training you know automatically diet plays a major role. You will need a high protein low fat diet, so you might as well begin there. Your calories will need to be cut to 2000 or less for men, 1200-1500 for women.
Since you have chosen to build you will need to train with weights, but for weight loss not gain, at least in the beginning. The fastest way to do this is to use super set techniques, which means no rest between sets. This is a great way to lose weight gain muscle because it increases metabolism for fat burning and develops muscle at the same time.
In the beginning you will do more reps less weight, then when you start to build you switch to less reps, more weight. Doing cardio will help as well for 30-45 minutes, 3-5 days a week.
3 If you decide you just want good muscle tone and to be in shape then you can start out the same way using weights for weight loss along with cardio the same as above. Cardio should always be part of the program if you're trying to lose weight. Calories are also down to 2000 or less for men and 1200-1500 for women.
You can schedule the weight training routine working all muscle groups in one day or alternate days. Be sure to rest muscles you've worked for 24-48 hours this is their developing or growing time. The workout breaks them down and rest rebuilds, if you don't do this you risk over training.
4 Whether you're building or toning you do the same routine in the beginning. The difference will come later when the excess weight is gone, at this point body builders switch to less reps, heavier weight. All others stick to their same routine and as the weight comes off the muscle you've been developing will begin to surface. As long as you use light weight and high reps you will not build, but tone.
5 To create a routine you can join a gym where a fitness instructor can do it for you. Or go to youtube and watch videos on all major muscle groups such as back, chest, shoulders, arms, legs and abs. Then write down at least two for each muscle group this way you can fine tune and target weak areas that need more work.
As you watch the videos pay close attention to proper form this will prevent injuries and result in better muscle development.
For cardio at home I recommend Billy Blanks videos. His workouts are tough and you will definitely lose weight and gain muscle following Billy or I should say trying to follow Billy. He has beginner videos if you need an easier workout.
If you workout with weights doing super set techniques combined with cardio the lose weight gain muscle principle is a given. It's a great way to reach a superior level of fitness quickly. It works! Just give it a try and see for yourself.
Bodybuilding.com - Build Muscle & Lose Fat Simultaneously?
The goal of many bodybuilders is to gain muscle/lose fat simultaneously. Unfortunately, for most who've been training for any amount of time, training with this goal ... -
Eat to Lose Weight and Build Muscle: How the NFL Does It
Eating to Lose Weight and Build Muscle: How the NFL Does It. WebMD Feature Archive. By Stephanie Watson WebMD Feature. Reviewed by Brunilda Nazario, MD. -
How to Lose Weight Gain Muscle eHow
To lose weight gain muscle you need to be committed to the task at hand. Especially, if you have 50 pounds or more to lose. In order to see muscle the fat has to go. -
How to Build Muscle and Lose Fat : zenhabits
However you can build muscle and lose fat in 8 weeks. ... 5-Step Weight Loss Plan; 5 Powerful Reasons to Eat Slower; 16 Tips to Triple Your Workout Effectiveness; -
How To Gain Muscle and Lose Fat At The Same Time: Is It Possible?
Do you want to know how to gain muscle and lose fat at the same time? Wondering if it's even possible to do both together? Find out once and for all. -
How to Lose Weight & Gain Muscle Fast eHow
A commonly strived for fitness goal is to lose weight while gaining muscle fast. However, to achieve these two opposing goals at the same time requires following a ... -
About.com Exercise - Can I lose fat and gain muscle at the same time?
9/15/2010 Have you always wondered if it's possible to lose fat and gain muscle at the same time? Now's your chance to find out if working on these goals at the same ... -
How to Lose Weight & Gain Muscle Fast (with Pictures) - wikiHow
How to Lose Weight & Gain Muscle Fast. Do you want to lose weight fast? Then you need to build muscle while you diet. Lift weights. What most people do not know is ... -
Muscle Gain & Weight Loss LIVESTRONG.COM
11/29/2009 Muscle Gain Weight Loss. Muscle mass and weight loss go hand-in-hand as long as it's done properly. Muscle weighs more than fat, so as muscle mass is ... -
Lose weight AND build muscle?
Clearing up the confusion about how to lose weight and build muscle. Can they be done at the same time? Should they be done at the same time? -
Gain Muscle and Lose Weight - Turbulence Training
Gain Muscle and Lose Weight - The most important thing a person can do to lose weight at the same time as building muscle is to get on the right weight loss, muscle ... -
POPSUGAR Fitness - Losing Weight vs. Gaining Muscle
When you lose fat and gain muscle your body measurements will change, ... Weight gain diet, weight training tips, muscle building supplements for hard gainers. -
How To Lose Weight & Not Gain Muscle LIVESTRONG.COM
11/21/2011 How to Lose Weight Not Gain Muscle. Muscle is metabolically active tissue, which means it requires a lot of calories from the body to stay maintained. This ... -
Weight loss, Losing bodyfat, bodyfat loss: Building muscle, lose ...
Health Fitness: Articles: WEIGHT-LOSS: Building muscle is the key to reducing bodyfat! -
EzineArticles - How To Lose Weight And Gain Muscle?
3/21/2007 Losing fat and gaining muscle should always go hand in hand. Unfortunately, if you only practice aerobics, such as walking, using a treadmill, etc. you ... -
Hive Health Media - How to Lose Fat and Gain Muscle for Women
Tips for women to lose belly fat and improve their muscle tone. Don't wait, lose that muffin top today. -
How to exercise and lose weight and not gain muscle? - Yahoo! Answers
answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090116061248AAJTxMIResolved 6 total answers Published 1/16/2009
1/16/2009 Best Answer: you will gian muscle and lose fat.. do you want to be skinny and jiggly?? (thats called skinny fat and even though you are thin will still not ... -
How to Lose Weight: Gain Muscle & Lose Weight - YouTube
www.youtube.com/watch?v=icv4wMLWZEgBy weightloss 2 min 1,354 views Added 3/5/2010
The best way to gain muscle while losing weight is to incorporate light weight training with cardiovascular exercise. Use a punching bag for weight loss ... -
How to Lose Muscle Mass on Purpose? - Fitness Black Book
Im Convinced it is Politically Incorrect to Say Lose Muscle ... We All Suppose To Gain as Much Muscle as ... what would be the best way to lose weight? -
Trying to lose weight but not gain muscle? - Yahoo! Answers
answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070430224359AAHog4zResolved 7 total answers Published 5/1/2007
5/1/2007 Best Answer: There is 2 types of muscle gain Bulk Muscle best associated with body builders Lean Muscle associated with athletes Its lean muscle you do ...
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